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The term "Photojoiners," coined by David Hockney, describes the art of assembling individual photographs into cohesive compositions. Artist Collins Walker carries this tradition forward through his photomontage work, blending photography with fine art. His unique and intricate photo-tableaus require extensive time and craftsmanship, resulting in distinctive and original creations.
I enjoyed myself this summer at the exhibition: Where Photography Meets Collage, sponsored by the New Orleans Photo Alliance and the Kolaj Institute. I finally got to meet Ric Kasini Kadour, Lisa Kates, Camille Barnett, Melissa Rangel and many other people who helped me get set up for the show in the Big Easy. I also had a blast exploring New Orleans. I hadn’t really been back since my family spent part of the summer there when I was 16 years old. My friend Kelly flew his private plane down to meet me. (I flew Delta.) We ate breakfast at Brennan’s, dinner at the Commander’s Palace and had fun riding the street cars and exploring the French Quarter.
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